Mergers & Acquisitions Diana June 8, 2023

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Benefit from our
growth strategy in the IT environment
Unsere Vision ist, dass niemand jemals wieder schlechte Entscheidungen treffen muss. Unser Beitrag zur Verwirklichung dieser Vision ist, dass wir unseren Kunden dabei helfen, bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen. Dazu setzen wir auf die integrierten Schwerpunktthemen Data & AI und Software Engineering. Unser Ziel ist, einen im europäischen Markt führenden IT-Dienstleister aufzubauen, der auf Data & AI spezialisiert ist. Um dies zu erreichen, suchen wir passende Mitglieder für unsere Gruppe.
What we are looking for
According to analyst rankings
, we are already one of the leading
IT service providers specializing in D&A
in the German-speaking market.

To extend this positioning, we are looking for group members
along the following three dimensions:


We are looking for companies to bring new locations into the Group. This applies both in terms of target markets and in terms of service provision and recruiting.

Technology & Focus Topics

We would like to round off our portfolio with new partners and add further strengths in technologies and focus topics.


Industries & Customers

We are looking for group members who serve complementary clients and bring industry focus to our group.



Expertise & Services

Seit unserer Gründung im Jahr 2018 ist die Dataciders GmbH mit bisher zehn IT-Dienstleistern an neun Standorten in Deutschland und Bulgarien vertreten. Branchenschwerpunkte liegen in Automotive, Public Sector, Manufacturing, Pharma/Chemie, Energie sowie Finanzen & Versicherungen.

Dataciders GmbH has outstanding expertise in the technologies talend, cplace, denodo, Oracle, Microsoft Azure, Tibco, aws, Exasol, Jakarta EE, SAP and Intrexx.

Our services cover these topics:
  • Data & AI: Data Management, BIA, Data Science & AI, Enterprise Application Integration, Data Strategy
  • Digital Transformation: PLM, PDM, PRM, PTM, Hybrid Project Management
  • Software Engineering: Cloud, Low Code, Full Stack Individual Development
Joint business development

What we are looking for

We are looking for companies with focus, expertise and name recognition in complementary industries on the one hand, and with technologically complementary focus topics on the other, in order to find as many points of contact as possible for joint business development.

Together with them, we want to grow sustainably as a group of medium-sized IT service providers and position ourselves successfully in competition with corporate groups - initially in the German-speaking region, and in the medium term with the aim of assuming a leading role in Europe.

In doing so, the group is to raise common potentials and at the same time form a sustainable concept for entrepreneurs as well as the companies, in which each company continues to retain its identity.

We are working towards this goal together with our growth partner RIVEAN Capital, an investment company from Frankfurt that focuses on SMEs.


Why Dataciders?

Get in touch with our M&A expert.
Matthias Störk

Head of M&A

Wittekindstrasse 30
D - 44139 Dortmund
Phone: +49 231 533 831 - 147

Achieve more together

We are Dataciders